***A note*** I do receive a small amount of money through this affiliate link if you do decide to purchase one of the firepits***Sorry about my crooked toenails, I did attempt to hide them in shame :)***
Back when the stimulus checks went out, I was on a bit of a mission to figure out what kind of products would make living at home a little more bearable. Two products came to mind. I had always wanted to get a firepit, and this was the time to do it. I usually have a stash of Amazon gift cards accumulated. Still, I do my best not to spend them until around Christmas. As a writer and not a very monetarily successful one, I have my receipt apps and game apps to stock up on amazon gift cards for my parents. Doing this makes me feel less like a total crumb bum. I’ve been able to get them several great presents over the past few years that they really love.
$400 of the stimulus check was already going to my Dad to pay for taxes. Which given the fact that I don’t pay rent while living with my parents, I was totally fine with it. Honestly, if he had asked to keep it all for himself, I would have let him have all of it. I don’t do too much, especially not now, so I have nothing to really spend it on. Although I do have a bit of an online clothing buying problem.
So, here’s the rundown on this little fiery beast. When I first ordered it back on May 17th, 2020, it was only $189.59. Presently, it is $304.90…YIPES…I’m guessing that everyone in the world had the same idea about ordering a firepit with their stimulus check to the point that they decided to price it higher.
When my firepit finally came, it was June 23rd, 2020. Before it arrived, I was a little bit frustrated and anxious that I wouldn’t be getting it. So by the time it did get here, I breathed a sigh of relief. I haven’t used it a ton because I wanted to save the propane as much as possible. I use it for half an hour here and there. And this is really the best gift I could have gotten our family.
My Dad and I sat around it not too many nights ago and just talked, which we hadn’t done in a while. He’s afraid of COVID to the max, and I understand his fear, but I don’t take it into myself. My mother and I will go out “into the world,” and he does his best to avoid being near us at all. If I get too close to him, he’ll let me know it. It makes me feel like a leper and other sorts of other emotions that are harder to define.
The firepit puts out a good amount of heat. And I do feel safe enough to put my feet on the firepit to toast them a bit, as you will see in one of the videos, but I am definitely not advising YOU to do that. The firepit area can be used to have cups on and such, but I don’t trust that. I just trust my feet to be there. (Hah) It comes with lava stone and a cover to put over the stones. One thing it does not come with is a cover for the entire firepit, which would have been nice if it did, but you can find that at amazon as well.
What I'm sort of excited about is ordering this black fireglass, it looks gorgeous, but I have yet to pull the trigger on it as I'm saving up to buy my Dad something for an early Christmas present. Which I will also put on here if I love it as much as I hope we will.
When I’m in my pool (video), the flames are at their highest, I do believe. It definitely puts you in a relaxed state of mind. The sound of the flames and the way they dance before you, it takes you far, far, away to better times. Simpler times.
I think that fire connects to us in such a way because it’s something that all our ancestors have shared. I mean, maybe a few ancestors were afraid of fire and never sat around one, but chances are everybody has. And it’s comforting, knowing that the hands that we warm over the flames were made by a thousand or however many generations that did the very same thing.
Looks very cozy. Autumn and winter are my favorite seasons. Forces you into the marrow of yourself.