Today is August 25th 2020
Currently the focus is working on some of my social media platforms. A majority of my attention has landed on Facebook, as I've recently had a surge in friend requests. Where once I had a handful of requests in a year, I had hundreds in a day. Along with a mountain of messenger messages that it feels impossible to climb. I went from having 1,600 friends to the limit of 5,000 friends (with 500 requests waiting in limbo) in a matter of two or three weeks. The no-nonsense part of my brain tells me that Facebook simply changed their algorithm, but the I-want-to-be-liked part of my brain tells me that I'm just that cool and that I'm absolutely hah-sterical.
Another target that I have my eye on is a literary agent. I won't lie, I've been turned down by a few over the years. But I was younger then, and now I feel more seasoned and capable of making it happen this time. There is a specific agent that I think would be perfect for me. I don't know if there will be a vision board in my future with his name plastered all over it, surrounded by dripping candles and a spell casting book, but whatever works you know ;). I'm joking, I think.
